“Aristotle's Chronos and the Politics of Time in Algorithmic Environments.” Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics (accepted).
“The Creation of an OER to Restore and Maintain a Writers’ Community at a Regional Public College.” Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (Forthcoming).
Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers (co-editor). Geneseo, NY: Milne Open Textbooks, 2023
“The Generation and Uses of Chaos”: Rhetorical Invention as the Taming of a Wild Garden" in C. Iverson and D. Ehrenfeld (Eds.), Processes: Writing Across Academic Careers, Geneseo, NY: Milne Open Textbooks, 2023.
“‘Sharing a World with Others’: Rhetoric’s Ecological Turn and the Transformation of the Networked Public Sphere.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, vol. 50, 2020.
“Online Public Spheres in the Era of Fake News: Implications for the Composition Classroom” (with Matt Barton). Computers and Composition, vol. 54, 2019.
“Ecological Investments and the Circulation of Rhetoric: Studying the ‘Saving Knowledge’ of Dr. Emma Walker’s Social Hygiene Lectures.” Methodologies for the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, edited by Lisa Melonçon and J. Blake Scott, Routledge, 2017.
“The Cloud and the Mine: A Conversation with Media Artist Brian House about Big Data and the Circulation of Digital Writing.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, vol. 21, no. 1, Aug. 2016.